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Barry Shapiro

The Presence of an Absence

New Work:

In "Lonely Structures," Barry Shapiro presents abandonment as grandeur. A flipped over car alone in a field appears alongside of ancient ruins in an empty, pastoral landscape. Shapiro's series suggest an interconnectedness between these two objects, and in both images there is a sense of spiritual destruction.

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Behind The Scenes

Inspired by balance

David Lee & Maria Anderson
Robert Pattinson & Lily David
Jonas Blue & Julia Anderson
Cristina Tello & Her Friends
Chris Hemsworth & Kelly Kim

Pasadena, CA

Tony Garnier, President & CEO Southwest Water Company

As I participated with Barry in the photo shoots on Grand Comore and Zanzibar, he was constantly interacting with people; shaking hands with a Muslim holy man, or climbing through the mud flats to “talk” to a Comorian shipbuilder. Kids flocked to him—why wouldn’t they? He was kneeling down, making funny faces, relating to them at their level. Even the women, so reticent about having their pictures taken, smiled and sat there while he snapped the shutter six inches from their face. Watching him gave me the confidence to do exactly what he’d taught us in class. My photos of that trip are better than any I’ve taken in all my travels, thanks to Barry’s great teaching and personal example.”


-Karen Kaufman

CT, Agency

Barry, the knowledge and insight gained from my three day photo workshop with you lives on. Although I saw an immediate improvement, I wondered how much my work could be affected by such a short period of time? One year later I am pleasantly surprised to realize that I learned more in those intensive few days, both creatively and technically, than in a full semester course taken subsequently. Your combination of knowledge, ability to communicate and generosity of spirit causes me to look forward to working with you in the future.


Mary Murrell, Ph.D., Easton


As a marketing consultant to large corporations I am often in the role of encouraging my clients to see things from a new perspective, to step outside of the "tried and true" and look at alternatives. Taking Barry Shapiro's Photography/Creativity Workshop gave me an opportunity to do the same with a highly skilled instructor. Barry's approach combines learning about photography with learning about one's own creativity and he knows how to foster an environment where it is very comfortable to try new things. It was an extremely valuable experience for me and I highly recommended it individuals and corporations.

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